2008 Installer

Thanks for your continued patience, we’re continuing to work on getting the installer ready for you all. In the meantime, for our premium subscribers, you can watch MLB.TV via the web based player here.

New features and functionality for 2008

With a new mosaic this year, I wanted to quickly run through a few things that are different in the app. As you’ve seen, we now have high quality NexDef single game streams at 1.2 megabits on both PC and Mac. These use a newer version of the Swarmcast plugin from last year, now called MLB.TV NexDef. It will install with the mosaic application and it lets us more efficiently use your bandwidth to let you watch better video.

In addition, we’ve added additional multi game views (on the bottom left). In order to allow for multiple quality levels in these views, we are now using individual streams for these views, so they will buffer independently. This will make switching games in the multi game view a bit slower, but we think this is far outweighed by the ability to watch in the 3-up or 4-up view, a high quality stream for the large game, and be able to monitor two or three other games.

More to come, with some screenshots and additional explanation this afternoon after we get started.

The 2008 MLB.TV Mosaic is almost here!

We’re putting the finishing touches on the new MLB.TV Mosaic for those of you who are premium subscribers (or those considering, you can purchase a subscription by clicking here ), and i’ll again be using the Mosaic blog as a place to provide high level commentary on our new features and addressing general questions/release notes/etc for you all. In addition, this year we are continuing the support forum where our team will be answering technical questions. It’s the best place to check if you’re having trouble getting the app installed or using it, or just want to submit feedback. Once again, we appreciate all of you using the product, and are looking forward to a great baseball season as much as you all are. 

More to follow on our new features in short order when the app is available, but at a high level, we’re going to be providing the same high quality NexDef streams that are new this year for MLB.TV in the Mosaic in 16×9 aspect ratio video for you all. In addition, we’ve reworked how our multi game views work, which will improve the quality of the video, but adds some buffering delay. For the technically inclined, we have split these out into individual streams, so each needs to be connected individually. Finally, we’ve also added additional templates for configuring the multi-game view to adjust the number of games and the sizes of the video to your preference. 
Thanks from the MLB.TV Mosaic product team.

Quick Update and Support Forum

Hi all,
I’m writing to announce to you all that we’ve set up a support forum, available here at http://mlb.ensequence.com, that will allow for better consolidation of our support teams suggestions, results, and insight, and allow you all to post your various issues and resolutions as well. Shane, who leads our support team and some of you I’m sure have spoken to, will be the principal maintainer of the support forum and will be commenting there. The blog has been very helpful in providing tactile feedback as we worked to make sure you’ve all been supported, but I think that the next generation of this will be more efficient via the forum. It’s not currently integrated with our mlb.com user accounts, so you’ll need to sign-in there for the time being, but it should provide a starting point for us to consolidate all of this information. We’re also going to be working on getting a better feedback mechanism in place for next-generation features and functionality. Finally, we’re actively working on enhancing our video encoding as well, to provide even higher quality video via the mosaic and mlb.tv for you all.


Justin Shaffer

New Build Yesterday: A209

Hi all,
I apologize for the late update on the new build for you all. Yesterday mid-day, we released A209, which contains the following updates:

-Line score related bug fixes
-Always on top mode update for PC version
-Archive video bug fixes (scrub issues on PC at end of game & displaying archive available too early)
-Postponed game updates
-Updates for MLB.com media services/login services

Thank you again for all of the time you’re putting in. By the numbers, it appears that the app is extremely engaging for those that are using it. Please continue to either email in to the mosaic team or post issues here, and we’ll be addressing them as they come up.

In addition, we’re working on getting the support forum up to aggregate recommendations and solutions to issues so that you don’t all have to go searching through the blog.



New Build Available: A208

Hi all,
We’ve been off the air for a bit from a build perspective, but released a new one for you this morning. It includes updates in the following area:

– Swarmcast updates/bugfixes for better high quality streaming
– Addition of Swarmcast version for troubleshooting
– Video updates to mosaic client/install to detect incompatible hardware
– Mac stability/bugfixes
– CPU usage is now better on the Mac
– Additional on-demand playback updates

Again, we appreciate all of your feedback. The engineering team and I are continuing to work with you all via the threads here to provide support, and we’re also in parallel now working on getting a support forum set up to consolidate what we all have learned and shared with you.



New Build Available A205

Hi all,
We have a new build available for you that I’ve just posted. The changes in this build are a new version of swarmcast, designed to help those of you that have been having difficulties with the medium and high quality streams on the 4/6 game panel views. It should not affect anything else. For reference, this is build A205, as seen in the preferences panel within the mosaic. Also – apparently we have a fan at the chicago tribune, of both the mosaic and the blog. You can check out the review here.

UPDATE: Aside from the new build, prior to our evening games starting tonight, we’re doing some maintenance work on the 4/6 game streams right now – so if you see intermittent availability for the next hour, this is why – its not related to the new build.

Thanks again,


New Build, and other updates

Hi all,
It’s great to see such active commentary on the blog, we all appreciate your time and are working hard to get those of you still struggling working. For a fast response, the best way to get to us is to post here, or email mosaic@website.mlb.com. I’m also going through emails and getting back to you as quickly as i’m able, but so you’re aware – we have the whole team of engineers reading the mosaic@website.mlb.com emails and responding as we’re able. Thank you all again for the time you’ve put into the product. Its been great to hear from those of you that are pleased with it as well as those that are not. The feedback is invaluable as we continue to enhance Mosaic going forward. In the meantime, for those of you still having trouble, you can always check out the high quality feeds via the multimedia guide in the browser at: Multimedia Guide

On to the release. This release should fix the following:

– Audio/Video Syncing bug related to some on-demand game playback
– New release of Swarmcast
– Crashes on game select/audio select with an error of HRESULT E_FAIL that some of you have seen on the PC version.
– Archive games should now start at the correct place, so you don’t have to watch the pre-game show
– On-demand condensed games/highlights/top plays should now be working for everyone
– Mac version dropping out of full screen on rebuffer
– Mac version updates to game archive status

In addition, we’re continuing to refine our install process. To that end, we’ve added an easy to find version number in the preferences window. If you click on the box next to preferences in the top right corner of the mosaic window, you’ll see the preferences window pop up. in the lower left corner of that window, you should now see that the version number is A204. If you don’t have A204, or don’t see it there – it means you’re probably running an early version that is having trouble self-updating. If that is the case, we’d appreciate you taking the time to re-download and re-install. We’re sorry for the inconvenience, and are confident that barring local system issues we’ve cleaned up the self-update process with the newer versions of the Mosaic application.

As always, thanks again for engaging in the conversation on the blog. Some of you will notice today that the blackouts resemble our normal weekly schedule – so i hope you have a nice afternoon watching baseball.



New Build Available

Hi all,
There is a new build available that addresses application fixes and additional stability issues we’ve seen. We’ve also introduced functionality that will allow for us to show you all something we’ve been working on that I think you’ll enjoy. Stay tuned – update on this coming first thing in the morning after we’ve had a successful night of testing.



BTW: I’ve got a big pile of email from you, and appreciate you taking the time to write in. You’re not going unheard, just had a busy day focused on the app. I’ll be getting back to those of you who wrote in regarding mosaic issues by tomorrow morning. Thank you for your patience.

Blackout Issues

Hi all,
I’ve received correspondence from a number of you regarding blackouts, and wanted to respond en masse to blackout specific issues, as there has been a fair amount of mail and this will get information out to you a bit quicker. We’ve reviewed the accounts of all of you that have written in, and fixed any issues/cleaned up data where we saw that there was an issue with CC verification. Also, in the latest version of the mosaic, we’ve simplified the CC verification form.

For those that are still having trouble getting into games on either the Mosaic or MLB.TV, you’ll need now to call into our customer service department (details here: http://mlb.mlb.com/mlb/help/contact_us.jsp) and speak with a representative. We’ve heard your frustration on wait times, and are working to split blackout related call traffic to address it more efficiently. The beginnings of this are already in place. You can select option 1 on the phone, and that should get you more quickly to a representative that will be able to assist you in verifying your account.

For those that feel that they are improperly blacked out, you should call in as well, and just one call should allow them to either explain why you’re blacked out, or help you get access to the games you’d like to see.

Thanks again for your patience and understanding.

